Therapy for people who have sex addiction

Published by Admin on

People who have sex addiction face a challenge when they are considering therapy. Most of all, there is a great amount of shame and guilt associated with sex, sexual activities, and sex addiction. A person has to feel comfortable with the therapist to start to talk through the shame, guilt, and other emotions associated with the addiction. A person also has to talk about the behaviors involved in the addiction.

Unfortunately, I have to be clear that there is no diagnosis of sex addiction in the DSM, at this point, since clinicians are still researching about topic/diagnosis. Those who experience sex addiction talk about much of the same symptoms as other addictions such as the addiction having an impact on job, social life, relationships, and being in trouble with the law.

Finding a therapist who is well-versed in this subject can make an impact on the treatment. If you are someone facing sex addiction, make sure you research the specialties of that therapist so that you get the best possible treatment.

Can art therapy help?

Art therapy can be helpful for someone who has sex addiction. There are many aspects of sex addiction that can be addressed in art. Not only the activity of art can help with calming the brain and bringing focus, the art materials can be used to express parts of sex addiction that can be difficult to talk about. In research, people who have had sex addiction have depicted what it was like to cruise for a partner.



If you or someone close to you are ready for therapy, feel free to contact me at or 203-300-7193.